Companies and RSS NewsReaders

It is possible for companies to customize the reader with their own logo and to offer it to (potential) customers. The reader will be equipped with a custom made companyfeed (Which can not be removed), this way customers will be up-to-date of your latest developments. It does not stop there, because it is also possible to offer different sorts of information to different groups of users (communities). One for customers, one for relations, one for distributors and so on. This way every group is being kept up-to-date with relevant information. The Qlikworld reader offers companies a direct communication channel to customers and other relations.

Company advantages

Corporate Identity: your own logo and colours in the reader, custombranding

Direct communication towards customers and relations

Easy to use and configured by using MyQlik

Different communities possible (channeling information to different user groups)

Multimedia, send images, movies, audio or reports next to plain text

Supports Geocoding – Google Maps

A corporate identity RSS NewsReader

RSS is an effective way to spread information online and therefore is gaining more and more ground. RSS transforms information of , for example, a website in a standard format called an RSS Feed. Feeds can be read by other (specially made) websites and so-called RSS Readers. Well known blogs and big internet publishers like the New York Times, the Guardian and CNN have been using RSS for a couple of years to spread useful information to a large quantity of internet users.


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